Op-shopping: Black bag, books + white top

Hello! Sorry for a late post, I’m back on track, so hopefully I’ll blog more. Last week I went op shopping and found a great aluminium mesh bag, a white cotton top and some awesome books.

Books, bag and top

The bag is in great condition and bought it for $5! I know aluminium mesh bags can be more pricey, so I knew it was a bargain. I love the black enamel on the handle, and the way the bag shimmers.

I bought the white shirt because I needed one for a costume I created, for my friends costume party, which I’ll post about soon! It is cotton with frills on the neck and down the front, it cost about $6. Not bad fo a cotton shirt.

aluminium mesh black bag aluminium mesh black bag

And now to the books! I’m not a big book reader, as you can tell all these books have pictures in them! I’m just a big kid! Anyway, I did buy them for a reason. I think for me personally I don’t find many books in op shops so this was a treat.

I found this absolutely cute book ‘The Baby’ published in 1950! I had to have it, it was to cute and precious to leave behind! Two books about graphic design, see these have a real purpose to me! hehe. A book about healing foods, which is very informative; and I love anything to do with the natural healing of our bodies. And three books related to art. One about the artist Toulouse Lautrec, who created posters for the Moulin Rouge in Paris in the late 1880s and early 1900s. A book with Art Nouveau patterns; one of my favorite art periods. And a book with female nudes, for artists and sculptors to refer to.

In all I spent $35 for all 7 books. Not bad at all. Most of the books where $3, the Toulouse Lautrec book was $5, and the female nudes book was $10. I wouldn’t normally pay that much for an op shop book, but it is a great reference for drawing nude people, as there aren’t many willing free models to strike a pose!

Wooo long post sorry about that, think I just got too excited!


What are some golden ticket items you can’t pass up on, when op shopping?

Flower Corsage + 80s style

Last week I made some corsages for my friends and me. They were created for a fake prom night that we went to. I thought it would be nice to make the corsages for them, so it could feel like a real prom. I’m happy they liked them, and I like how they turned out too. The blue one is mine, and I wore it with a blue lace dress that I thrifed 3 weeks ago.

     And here is my interpretation of a 1980s prom style. With blue eye shadow, red lips and of course big hair!  I was trying to give my best Dynasty pose! You can also see my corsage working its magic too.

Hope you had a fun week filled with 80s colour and magic! 🙂

Adriana xo